Common Questions FAQ

NO. We are not receiving any payment for for state and national jobs. In the case of International jobs, a short payment will be received as the processing charge. provides private-state-national-international teaching job notifications to our registered candidates. Here you can choose your own jobs as per your interest.

YES. No matter what your qualification is, you are entirely welcome to our portal. There are vast vacancies available for people with any qualification.

YES. Abroad vacancies are also notified by We will give job alerts from every field of career. Jobs from Gulf countries are timely notified by us as well as jobs from European countries.

There is no upper age limitation for registration but the minimum age should be 18.

Our respective team will notify suitable vacancies of the candidates through their given mail ID. We strain your bio-data and compare it with existing vacancies and let you know through your mail.

YES. We will make an opportunity to interact with the employers after the job intimation to your mail.

The employer will receive suitable employee lists through your mail. After the process, an employer gets their contact details of them from

The job fairs will be conducted seasonally. Through this, our platform creates an opportunity to know and interact with new companies. conducts job fairs at locations shaving high transportation options. Kochi will be a major location for them and locations outside Kerala will also be taken by

Any teaching related jobs such as domestic-private-institution job vacancies can be registered in the portal.

Our concerned department sorts out the bio-data by verifying their age, qualification, experience etc., and compares the candidates with available job vacancies hence the animated jobs will be easily received.

Only authentic firms will be able to register on our platform and the employers get verified by our department.